DOI Programs
Diversified Opportunities offers many programs to fit the needs of our trainees. See our many programs listed below. Call us today to see how our programs can benefit you or your loved one!
Long Term Vocational Support
This service ensures ongoing employment success and career growth by providing a support system to both the employee and employer. Assistance with job maintenance and additional training can be provided if needed.
Job Development and Job Coaching
Finding a job for every trainee is our major goal. Our community placement specialists teach job-seeking skills, maintain contact with area employers and match capabilities with employer needs. Once a trainee is employed, job coaches teach job duties, promote job retention skills, and encourage appropriate social skills in the workplace.
Supported Employment
This program is designed to serve trainees with more severe disabilities by providing a supplemental evaluation of interests and abilities and intensive on-the-job training. The goal of supported employment is to provide employment opportunities to these individuals, enabling them to become as independent as possible in an integrated society. Intensive training services include on-job-site training, and long-term vocational support includes on-site visits to ensure the trainee’s continued success.
Work Adjustment
Designed to build on an individual’s vocational assets, this program prepares a trainee for entry into the competitive labor market by providing a realistic setting to develop good work habits while earning a pay check. Individual needs are addressed and may include decision making, resume completion, dress and appearance, interview skills and work habits.

Vocational Evaluation
This program identifies an individual’s vocational interests, assets, limitations and training needs through testing, situational assessments, interviews, and behavioral observation.
Adult Basic Education
In conjunction with Wilson Community College, trainees with developmental disabilities receive instruction in basic reading and writing skills. Personal and community living skills are also taught in the classroom sessions.
Adult Developmental Vocational Program
Adult Developmental Vocational Program is a program that provides organized activities that help individuals who have intellectual and developmental disabilities to live and work as independently as possible. These may include personal and community living skill development, training in communication and motor skills, use of leisure time, work skills training, and paid employment.
Day Supports
This is a program which serves individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who receive the Medicaid Innovations Waiver. These services are designed to assist the participants with the acquisition, retention, and/or improvement areas such as self-help, socialization, adaptive skills, and pre-vocational training.
Participants in the program are paired with a trainer that assists with meeting their individual goals. Depending upon their needs, participants receive individual (1:1) or group (1:2 or more) Day Support Services.